
   Safespace Foundation Inc. serves as the advisory board to the Department of Human Services’ Advocates for Victims Programs. We service four emergency shelters in Miami-Dade County. The shelters are Safespace North, Safespace Central, Safespace South and the Empowerment Center. Their services include: safe housing, emergency financial assistance as well as information and referrals for individuals and families who are victims of domestic violence.

   These programs represent a new beginning for many survivors of domestic violence, but it is only with your donations and support that we can provide the resources to empower these victims to break away from their destructive and dysfunctional environment. Your help can change lives. Thank you.

   The Safespace Shelters and Inn Transition Shelters are located in the northern and southern areas of the Miami-Dade County and provide an emergency safe haven for women and children who are fleeing abusive situations. The Inn Transition Shelters are long term transitional housing (up to two years) for women with children. The outreach Programs along with the Victims Assistance Programs provide support, services and guidance to those victims who may not be in immediate need of shelter or housing. All programs provide safety planning, services management, counseling, emergency assistance, information and referrals.

   Safespace Foundation, Inc. has funded or supported numerous start-up programs and “pass through” funds since 1992, it has worked with the community leaders and groups, local government, private donors, businesses, service clubs, and other groups interested in eradicating domestic violence to expand and improve services to women and their children.

  Domestic violence statistics are alarming. However, we are committed to end the violence. Your donations can and will help.